Knight of dol amroth
Knight of dol amroth

However, they are quite powerful to compensate for how difficult they are to recruit. If this is not the case, fill in the section following the format of other pages.Īs Gondor's heroic cavalry, the Knights of Dol Amroth are mainly used in the late game once the player has built the Border Stronghold, recrutied Imrahil and has enough money for the Knights. This means that this unit can not gain any sort of permanent boost from upgrades found in either its palantir or from other units/heroes. For 30 seconds they can't trample any units but receive +50% attack damage and armor. Level 10: Into the Battle: The Knights of Dol Amroth prepare for a sortie. Doesn't apply to other Knights of Dol Amroth. Level 5: Inspiration : Nearby friendly cavalry receive +25% attack damage. Left click on icon then left click on target. Can't be used when Into the Battle is active. For the duration of the dash they deal triple damage and slow down only half as much. Shattering Rush: The Dol Amroth knights dash to the selected enemy, trampling down everything in their way. They valiantly defended Minas Tirith from the armies of Mordor during the War of the Ring. They are able to grant Gondor Knights and other allied cavalry an attack bonus. Only 3 battalions of Knights of Dol Amroth may be on the field at the same time. They can only be trained once Prince Imrahil has been recruited. The Knights of Dol Amroth are heroic cavalry who fight for Gondor.

knight of dol amroth

And from the walls an answering shout went up for foremost on the field rode the swan-knights of Dol Amroth with their Prince and his blue banner at their head." - The Return of the King

knight of dol amroth

"Now they sprang forward, formed, quickened to a gallop, and charged with a great shout.

Knight of dol amroth